Dopo le prime indiscrezioni su alcuni problemi di surriscaldamento per le GPU firmate EVGA, arriva un comunicato ufficiale per chiarire la situazione.
Le schede video che soffrono di questo problema sono le GPU NVIDIA GTX 1080/GTX 1070/GTX 1060 nello specifico questi modelli:
Il surriscaldamene interessa la zona dei VRM, dovuto a una dissipazione non adeguata. Per ovviare a questo problema EVGA ha rilasciato e rilascerà nuovi BIOS che modificheranno la curva delle ventole.
Inoltre la soluzione migliore per migliorare la dissipazione è richiedere gratuitamente tramite il sito ufficiale EVGA dei thermad pad aggiuntivi da applicare tra il backplate e la scheda.
Qui di seguito trovate il comunicato ufficiale:
“Recently, it was reported from several sources, that the EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 FTW PWM and memory temperature is running warmer than expected during Furmark (an extreme stress utility). EVGA has investigated these reports and after extensive testing, below are our findings:
- On ACX 3.0, EVGA focused on GPU temperature and the lowest acoustic levels possible. Running Furmark, the GPU is around 70C +/- and the fan speed is running approximately 30% duty cycle or lower.
- However, during recent testing, the thermal temperature of the PWM and memory, in extreme circumstances, was marginally within spec and needed to be addressed.
Conclusion: EVGA offers full warranty support on its products, with cross-ship RMA (available in the Continental United States, Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, EU, UK, Norway, and Switzerland. EVGA offers Standard RMA replacement options in the Middle East, Africa, India or outside of the before mentioned supported areas), and stands behind its products and commitment to our customers.
To resolve this, EVGA will be offering a VBIOS update, which adjusts the fan-speed curve to ensure sufficient cooling of all components across all operating temperatures. This VBIOS will be released in the next few days and users can download it and update their cards directly. This update resolves the potential thermal issues that have been reported, and ensures the card maintains safe operating temperatures.
For those users who want additional cooling beyond the VBIOS update, EVGA has optional thermal pads available. This update is not required, however; EVGA will make it available free of charge to any customer who is interested. To request the thermal pad kit, please visit www.evga.com/thermalmod.
Any customer who is not comfortable performing the recommended VBIOS update, may request a warranty cross-shipment to exchange the product to EVGA for an updated replacement.
All graphics cards shipped from EVGA after 11/1/2016 will have the VBIOS update applied.”