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Il gioco in assoluto che più sto aspettando.

CDproject secondo me è la migliore, tanta tanta qualità e sostanza ma ancora con il cuore di chi vuol fare il bene dei fan.

Day one sicuro scatolato. E per un giocatore pc alla fine non è poco.

Poi beh, mi son goduto i libri, finito l'ultimo poco tempo fa, che oltre a piacermi veramente tanto mi hanno fatto salire un hype pazzesco.

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Be sto gioco da tavolo pare una vera e propria figata B)  personalmente io adoro le avventura GDR alla Dungeons n Dragons e questo mi sà molto simile anche se non personalizzi i pg che è una vera figata.

  • 4 settimane più tardi ...

MI piace quel paragone del "world Size" hehhe

Aggiungici in più anche le 36 endings... rigiocabilità a pacchi :wub:


Un pò di dettagli riportati mesi fà:


- The team felt it missed the huge freedom of open-world games like Skyrim

- Proper mounted combat still being tested

- Currently not a definite part of the game

- Horses will be in, though, since they’re important for navigation

- Ships float on the water in true physics interactions

- Team has doubled in size

- No chapters, acts, or any artificial break-points

- Geralt can seamlessly cross from one end of the world to the other thanks to REDengine 3

- No loading screens while traveling in the open world

- Can explore on foot, by horseback, and via boat

- Pursue yor long-lost love, play the game of empires on behalf of the northern kingdoms that still claim independence, and thwart the nefarious Wild Hunt

- Fast travel: instantly revisit any discovered location

- Director Konrad Tomaszkiewicz: “A huge goal is to keep the high quality o four quests, with all the cinematics and impressive events and moments.”

- Point of interest will always be in sight

- Players will be beckoned to explore dank caves, embattled villages, decaying ruins, etc.

- Over 100 hours of hand-scripted quests

- Quests: help villagers, engineer the succession of the Skellige kings, etc.

- Use monster hunting for adventure, incoming, and unique rewards

- There are mini-games based on the area of the world

- Ex: Skellige has knife-throwing

- Gain exclusive rewards from mini-games

- Don’t have to complete mini-games to proceed in the story

- Monsters, bandits, traders, animals, and more will attack anyone they deem hostile

- Enemies don’t scale to the player’s level

- Slaying monsters, fighting hostile humans in the different forms they come in, collecting items, leveling up are in the game

- World 40 times larger than the last game

- Three different aspects to narration

- Lowest level: free-form activities like monster hunting, crafting, individual standalone quests

- Second step: political situation and Nilfgaardian invasion is resolved through the core plotline of the major areas (Skellige, Novigrad, No Man’s Land)

- Each land has its own storyline

- Can abandon the storyline, but will have repercussions later

- Not doing a plotline is a choice the player has

- Main narrative: search for Geralt’s loved ones and conflict with the Wild Hunt

- Multiple branches of narratives that feed into each other

- Don’t have to do anything outside the main storyline to beat the game

- Could have help in a main-line encounter from an ally you gained in the Skellige archipelago if you’ve completed certain quests in certain ways

- Major events in the main storyline are “gates” for the state of the world

- Ex: village threatened by bandits might be abandoned after certain events if the player doesn’t help

- Weather effects are dynamically generated and fully modeled as real volumetric clouds rather than being simply painted on the skybox

- In contrast to the last game, Geralt encounters communities and individuals with monster-related problems that need solving

- There aren’t contract-like assignments this time

- Press the left trigger to turn on Geralt’s witcher senses

- Can glean information from a crime scene upon discovering it

- Within range of a scene of interest, the mechanic conveys clues to the player through the witcher muttering to himself and/or visual depictions of past events that represent Geralt’s reasoning

- Time of day and other conditions determine where monsters appear and their abilities

- Can strike critical areas in combat based on how much you learn about monster anatomy and tactics

- The team is deciding between using a handful of in-combat special moves for particular attacks and a slow-motion quick-time event style

- Monsters you defeat leave otherwise unobtainable alchemical and crafting ingrediants needed for making of unique items, potions, mutagens

- These allow Geralt to gain special powers and upgrades in the new mutation development tree

- These kills serve as the witcher’s primary method of income

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