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Quake Live è uscito su Steam:, e esce con il Major Update che implementa  una valangata di novita:!news/site_news/37858


Qui il trailer di presentazione:





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New Quake Live Ruleset


  • Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
  •     Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed.
  •     Introduced Loadouts in select modes; allowing players to select one Primary Weapon (hmg, rl, lg, rg) and one Secondary Weapon (sg, gl, pg, mg).
  •     Added the command "weapon toggle" to toggle between your Primary and Secondary weapons. Defaults to "f" for new users.
  •     Unified weapon respawn time to 5 seconds across all game modes.
  •     Unified friendly fire, disabled across all game modes.
  •     Added global Ammo Packs, in lieu of weapon specific ammo, where each pack grants you a small amount of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.
  •     Reduced ammo respawn time from 40 seconds to 10 seconds.
  •     Added in-world item timers for "major" items, including armors, megahealth, power-ups, and medkit.
  •     Items have taller pickup collision boxes, so that players will not miss items as they jump over them.
  •     Added Power-up Spawn POIs, that appear 10 seconds before a power-up spawns.
  •     Added Power-up POIs, that indicate when an available power-up is available in the arena.

General Game Changes

  • Added a new weapon, the Heavy Machinegun (HMG).
  •     Lightning Gun now does 6 damage per cell across all rulesets, or 120 damage per second.
  •     New higher resolution font added.
  •     Widescreen Support for huds (see default huds for implementation examples).
  •     New in-game UI (menu and loading screens).
  •     Disabled the pk3 encryption. Paks can now be opened like a zip file; maps load up to 25% faster.
  •     Added flagstand POIs in CTF.
  •     Enabled self-kills with an additional 1 second respawn penalty.
  •     Quad firing sound reduced on high rate of fire weapons: mg, pg, cg, hmg.
  •     Added damage number indicators for damage dealt, can be customized by various color styles and enabled or disabled per weapon.
  •     Fixed a bug in that could cause the best weapon selection to fail.
  •     Machinegun now drops to grant users mg ammo.
  •     Infected zombies now have air control and can double jump.
  •     Fixed the CHEATS ENABLED notification on the map loading screen from lagging behind its proper state.
  •     Reduced the default amount of player movement bobbing.
  •     Reduced the default amount of damage kick movement.
  •     By default, don't show weapons you don't have in inventory on your weaponbar.
  •     By default, bob major items when simpleitems are enabled.
  •     Prevent broken shader image on crosshair '30', '60', '90', which would equate to crosshair "none" as the cycle repeats.
  •     Bots now randomly select loadouts, when applicable.
  •     Greatly reduced multiple pickups prediction errors.
  •     Removed the option to move to FreeCam while dead in elimination based gametypes.
  •     The PQL ruleset has been renamed 'Turbo'.
  •     Stonekeep map layout slightly modified.
  •     Trimmed out 19 maps will be added back later after being updated. (Arena Gate, Bloodlust, Cobalt Station, Concrete Palace, Dies Irae, Double Impact, Eviscerated, Focal Point, Forgotten, Golgotha Core, Hell's    Gate Redux, Hero's Keep, Power Station, Proving Grounds, Sacellum, Solid, Sorrow, Space Camp, Spillway, Terminal Heights, Terminus)

Create Match Features


  •     Ruleset selections (Quake Live, Turbo, Classic) are all available for standard servers.
  •     Now support custom values of starting ammo in AD, CA, DOM, and RR.
  •     Added optional Double Jump physics player movement mechanic.

Arena Changes


  • Removed Team Arena Runes from all maps.
  •     Proxy Launcher removed from all maps.
  •     Chaingun and Nailgun removed from several maps.
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