Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi: Jinchuu Houkoku no Shi su PC nel 2021

L’editore e sviluppatore D3 VRIDGE ha annunciato la visual novel, Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi: Jinchuu Houkoku no Shi, per Switch e PC (Steam).

Arriverà nel 2021 con audio giapponese e sottotioli in inglese, giapponese e cinese tradizionale. In Giappone, la versione Switch sarà disponibile sia fisicamente che digitalmente.

Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi è stato lanciato per la prima volta per PlayStation 2 nel dicembre 2004m questa nuova versione avrà una risoluzione migliorata e altro.

Questa una descrizione in inglese della storia:

Suzuka Sakuraba (name changeable) is the only daughter of the head of a small-town dojo in Aizu. However, her father, who dreamed of making a name for himself with the sword, suddenly left, abandoned his dojo and family. The girl had no choice but to close the dojo, which had few students, and serve Teruhime, the sister-in-law of Aizu Domain daimyo Katamori Matsudaira, with the help of her mother, who worked at the daimyo’s residence in Edo.

The girl, who entered the daimyo’s domain as a replacement for her remarried mother, eventually realizes that her father’s dream of becoming skilled with a sword had become her own. Teruhime, who opened her heart to the girl’s troubles, recalled the group of swordsmen she heard about from Katamori, who served as the Military Commissioner of Kyoto.

Since that group of swordsmen known as the Mibu Roushi were among the ranks of the Aizu domain, Teruhime asked her brother-in-law Katamori to put in a good word for the girl to join the group. And so, despite being a woman, she heads to the Imperial capital where the Mibu Roushi is based to make a name for herself with the sword.

Formed by swordfighters… the Mibu Roushi is the group that would later become known as the “Shinsengumi.”

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