Neptunia Virtual Stars arriva in occidente su Steam

Idea Factory International ha annunciato che Neptunia Virtual Stars verrà lanciato in occidente su PC tramite Steam, oltre alla già annunciata versione per PlayStation 4. Non mancheranno i sottotitoli in inglese con un doppiaggio in giapponese.

Questa una panoramica del gioco:

Within Virtualand lies the planet Emote – a planet faced with extinction due to the maleficent group of Content destroyers known as Antis.

In an act of desperation, the Digital Goddess of the planet Emote, Faira, sends a distress signal to other dimensions in hopes to find a savior of this planet.

And the saviors that were reached? The rising Vtuber stars, Me and You, members of MEWTRAL, as well as the Goddesses of Gamindustri: Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Vert!

Can MEWTRAL and the Goddesses band together and save the planet Emote from complete destruction?

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