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Tintalfall 2: le mappe multiplayer saranno molto varie


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Jon Shiring di Respawn Entertainment in un’intervista rilasciata a pc gamer ha dichiarato che le mappe multiplayer avranno una grande varità garantendo un “look and feel” diverso per ogni ambientazione. Di seguito ecco la dichiarazione completa: So, in the multiplayer trailer that we released today you saw a different map for a good chunk of it,” Shiring said. “It was a big outdoor map. And that one and Boomtown feel very different. Boomtown has nice tight areas, and- in the centre of the map, and again it’s good for this type of an audience. It’s a really fun map too, so a lot of it’s trying to figure out for, like, what mode, what map are the right combos to do […]

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