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Project Crynosaurs, la versione 2.0 della Tech Demo è disponibile


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Il team dietro Project Crynosaurs ha rilasciato una nuova tech demo del titolo. Il gioco è un indie sviluppato tramite il CRYENGINE ,e in questa tech demo ci mostrano le interazioni con i dinosauri , oltre che ad un'arma e a altre svariate cose che potete vedere nel video che vi lascio in fondo notizia.. Questo è l'annuncio fatto dagli sviluppatori sul loro sito:

"This tech demo represents four months of work from our tiny team of two. We decided to tackle some of the most challenging aspects of development first to lay a good foundation to build on. This includes the AI/dinosaur and player interactions with each other and the world as well as a basic inventory and a unique weapon. By doing this we hoped it would give everyone a nice well rounded experience of what we want Crynosaurs to become. You may encounter a few bugs here and there but it’s still a very fun experience! Take your time and poke around a bit, there are a lot of neat surprises to discover. If you do find any bugs, please take a minute and report them to us in the comments section. Enjoy!"






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