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differenza tra Amd fx 6300 e fx 8320


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Cito da cpuboss:

Overclockers take note! Two powerful processors from AMD are here! Both are from the FX series, but they’re essentially different: it’s a battle between an eight core versus a six core. Let’s compare the performance of the AMD FX 8320 versus the AMD FX 6300.

As for their similarities, they pack unlocked multipliers which are ideal for overclocking goodness. Moreover, they are capable of turbo boosting up to 4 GHz! Great features performance wise, but they don’t come with integrated graphics; so adjust your budget accordingly, because you’ll need to buy a discrete graphics card.

Taking a closer look at their distinctions, the 8320 is a 3.5 GHZ octa core with 8MB cache and consumes 125W TDP. In contrast is the 6300, which is similarly clocked at 3.5 GHz but only has six cores. It also comes with 8MB cache but consumes less power at 95W TDP. Considering that the 8320 has more cores, does it consequently mean that its faster overall?

Benchmarks reveal that indeed the 8320 is faster than the competition: at stock speeds, it’s more than 25% faster in PassMark, 25% better in 64-bit Geekbench, and 30% better in the Cinebench benchmarks. As for overclocking performance however, it’s quite surprising that the 6300 managed to score around 70% better results in the PassMark overclocked benchmark, which makes it as the undisputable champion when it comes to overclocking.

In conclusion, consider your needs before buying: if you’re a power user satisfied with stock settings, we recommend the AMD FX 8320. But if you’re an overclocker with an insatiable thirst for blazing speed, take a ride on the fast lane and overclock the AMD FX 6300.

(Se non devi fare overclock prendi l'8320, se invece ti interessa prendi il 6300)

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Cito da cpuboss:

Overclockers take note! Two powerful processors from AMD are here! Both are from the FX series, but they’re essentially different: it’s a battle between an eight core versus a six core. Let’s compare the performance of the AMD FX 8320 versus the AMD FX 6300.

As for their similarities, they pack unlocked multipliers which are ideal for overclocking goodness. Moreover, they are capable of turbo boosting up to 4 GHz! Great features performance wise, but they don’t come with integrated graphics; so adjust your budget accordingly, because you’ll need to buy a discrete graphics card.

Taking a closer look at their distinctions, the 8320 is a 3.5 GHZ octa core with 8MB cache and consumes 125W TDP. In contrast is the 6300, which is similarly clocked at 3.5 GHz but only has six cores. It also comes with 8MB cache but consumes less power at 95W TDP. Considering that the 8320 has more cores, does it consequently mean that its faster overall?

Benchmarks reveal that indeed the 8320 is faster than the competition: at stock speeds, it’s more than 25% faster in PassMark, 25% better in 64-bit Geekbench, and 30% better in the Cinebench benchmarks. As for overclocking performance however, it’s quite surprising that the 6300 managed to score around 70% better results in the PassMark overclocked benchmark, which makes it as the undisputable champion when it comes to overclocking.

In conclusion, consider your needs before buying: if you’re a power user satisfied with stock settings, we recommend the AMD FX 8320. But if you’re an overclocker with an insatiable thirst for blazing speed, take a ride on the fast lane and overclock the AMD FX 6300.

(Se non devi fare overclock prendi l'8320, se invece ti interessa prendi il 6300)

Vorrei che me lo scriveste almeno in italiano, please u.u

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Ok, allora cerco di rispondere alle tue domande:

l'8320 vale quei 30 euro in più, come dimostrano i benchmark che ho postato li sopra.

Nel gaming avrai qualche frame in più se prendi l'8320, perchè conta principalmente la scheda video.

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