AMD riconferma le date di uscita per Ryzen e VEGA

Ieri sono stati rilasciati gli ultimi dati finanziari per il quarto trimestre e AMD ha riconfermato le date di uscita per i prossimi prodotti Ryzen e VEGA.

Le nuove CPU Ryzen saranno disponibili entro l’inizio di marzo e subito acquistabili dal giorno dell’uscita, mentre le GPU Vega sono attese entro il secondo trimestre 2017 tra i mesi di Aprile, Maggio e Giugno.

Queste le parole del CEO AMD Lisa Su:

Yes, if you look at our product lineup in the first half of the year, I think we have Ryzen launching in early March, and then we will have Vega, our enthusiast GPU, launching in the second quarter. And so as we go through the year, I think we are quite pleased with the performance that we are seeing on both of those products. And so we should see Ryzen doing very well in the high end as well as Vega. And by nature, since both of those high-end markets are markets that we don’t have significant presence today, there will be an opportunity to both gain share as well as increase attach rates in those markets.


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