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Watch Dogs 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, For Honor e il nuovo South Park usciranno prima di aprile 2017

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Ubisoft ha comunicato che Watch Dogs 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, South Park: Fratucred at While e For Honor  saranno rilasciati prima dell'aprile 2017. Ecco ciò che ha comunicato Ubisoft


“In 2016-17 the Company expects to achieve sales of around €1,700 million, non-IFRS operating income of approximately €230 million and strong free cash flow generation. Ubisoft will launch a very high-quality line-up, including For Honor®, South Park the Fractured but Whole, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon® WildLands, the next instalment of Watchdogs®, and a new high-potential AAA brand with strong digital live services.”


Ubisoft ha anche rivelato che il PC è la terza piattaforma per le vendite dei loro giochi.




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