Disponibile la prima patch di Hellblade, gli sviluppatori indagano sui problemi con le GPU AMD

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice riceve ufficialmente la prima patch che risolve una serie di problemi segnalati dal lancio. Nello specifico bug legati all’audio, localizzazioni, modalità di gioco e foto.

Oltre a questo, gli sviluppatori hanno fatto dei piccoli miglioramenti sul combattimento per migliorare l’esperienza di gioco, stanno monitorando altri problemi segnalati e verranno risolti nei prossimi aggiornamento. In particolare indagano sui problemi di prestazioni degli utenti con GPU AMD e promettono di rilasciare al più presto un patch.

Questo è il changelog completo:

ull Patch Notes:

  • Fixed a crash that could happen if two Keep Guard enemies are standing close to each other and one dies.
  • Russian subtitles for the Hellblade feature have been added.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio would be out of sync with the Hellblade feature if it has been paused for an extended period of time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Baldr Masks in the Tower Shard level are white on the inside.
  • Fixed scenarios resulting in unlit geometry after reloading from checkpoint.
  • Fixed a potential progression stopping bug in the Fenrir Cave by the ‘M’ rune door puzzle.
  • Fixed potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave due to check pointing after skipping a lit region.
  • Fixed potential progression stopping bug in Fenrir Cave if player fails to collect floor rune after combat and subsequently dies.
  • Fixed collision issues that could allow players to unintentionally exit the game world.
  • Fixed audio cut-out issues.
  • Added audio cues for hidden faces.
  • Fixed audio hard cut at the end of various cut scenes.
  • Fixes for audio lip sync issues.
  • Audio balancing fixes.
  • Various subtitle localisation fixes across a number of languages.
  • Combat tweaks:
    • Global
      • Adjusted automatic difficulty enemy health scaling and Senua’s damage taken/given modifiers.
    • Senua
      • Increased damage value of certain combo finisher attacks.
      • Adjusted rate of combat focus resource build-up in Hard difficulty mode or higher.
      • Fixed issue with stinger animated cameras popping if the same attack was repeated.
    • Warrior Enemy
      • Warriors now have an increased chance of evading certain heavy attacks.
      • Fixed missing sound effects on certain reactions.
    • Protector Enemy
      • Health values have been lowered.
      • Will now remain vulnerable for longer after his shield guard has been broken.
    • Keep Guard Enemy
      • Fixed a potential crash bug if Keep Guard enemies are standing close together and one of them dies.
      • Tweaked rotation rate during certain attack windups.
      • Fixed missing sound effects on certain attacks.
    • Surtr
      • Fixed an issue where Surtr was able to throw Senua outside of the arena.
    • Valravn
      • Fixed an issue where Valravn could not be damaged while in Focus for certain combos.
      • Parried projectiles will now remove shadow state on hit.
    • Fenrir
      • Health values have been adjusted.
      • Fixed issue where certain attack were not dealing damage correctly to Fenrir.
    • Revenant Enemy
      • Adjusted slide properties for certain attacks.
      • Adjusted cooldown for parry and evade defensive actions.
      • Parried projectiles will now remove shadow state on hit.
    • Photo Mode
      • Fixed an issue where motion blur is applied to object incorrectly during Photo Mode.
      • Removed the second slider that did nothing when cycling through the Effects tab.

PC Only fixes

  • Fixed an issue where altering master volume would cause no audio to be played during the intro.
  • Fixed the lack of vibration with the Steam Controller for the Blindness level
  • Fixed an issue where key bindings and run toggle were not being saved between game sessions
  • Fixed an issue where looking around with the mouse during the boat intro was not working.
  • Fixed an issue where Focus was not able to be assigned to another key.
  • Fixed an issue where tabbing out during cut scenes would cause audio to go out of sync.
  • Fixed an issue where the menu would not load on start up.


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1 commento su “Disponibile la prima patch di Hellblade, gli sviluppatori indagano sui problemi con le GPU AMD”

  1. E intanto chi ha una Gpu AMD per adesso si attacca, sinceramente questi problemi andrebbero risolti prima del lancio.


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