L’ottava generazione di processori Intel Core debutterà il 21 Agosto

Il 21 Agosto Intel tramite un live su Facebook svelerà finalmente i processori Intel Core di ottava generazione. Precisamente l’evento si terrà alle 8 di mattina del 21 Agosto 2017 ( orario americano).

Di seguito vi lasciamo il comunicato stampa che annuncia l’evento:

On Aug. 21, Intel will unveil the 8th Generation Intel® Core™ processor family on Facebook Live. Watch as two exciting moments align: the Great American Solar Eclipse and the unveiling of Intel’s most powerful family of processors for the next era of computing. Hear from those who are at the center of creating this technology and from creators who are using the power of 8th Gen Intel Core technology in new and exciting ways.

Eight Reasons to Tune In

  1. Don’t be caught in the dark. Learn how the 8th Gen Intel Core processor family will offer blazing fast performance.
  2. Hear directly from Gregory Bryant, senior vice president of the Client Computing Group at Intel, and others about the details on the latest processor family and what it can help you do.
  3. Discover how immersive experiences will bring you from spectator to participant with 8th Gen Intel Core processor capabilities.
  4. Don’t just take our word for it. See the power of 8th Gen Intel Core technology come to life in the hands of a VR creator and imaging technologist.
  5. Get a sneak peek at some of the amazing system designs based on 8th Gen Intel Core processors.
  6. Start planning for what new 8th Gen Intel Core processor-based device to purchase in the holiday season and even before.
  7. Don’t worry, you won’t miss the solar eclipse. Tune in before it descends upon Oregon and the West Coast and then makes its way across the U.S.
  8. See how the 8th Gen Intel Core processor is designed for today and what comes next.

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