In arrivo la prima patch di Forza Horizon 3 per risolvere i problemi di stuttering

A una settimana dall’approdo su PC di Forza Horizon 3, l’ultima capitolo della serie di corse firmata Playground Games, è stata confermata la prima patch in arrivo entro oggi che sistemerà la maggior parte dei problemi riscontrati dagli utenti, in particolare lo stuttering a fps elevati.

Ma non è tutto, il team è già al lavoro per supportare la maggior parte dei volanti in commercio e ad ascoltare i più urgenti feadback degli utenti.

Qui di seguito trovate il changelog completo della patch:

Windows 10

– Fixed a performance issue on Windows 10 that caused stuttering with high or unlocked framerates on certain hardware configurations
– Improved stability on Windows 10
– Disable mouse move detection while driving
– The Windows 10 video options screen will no longer ask users to save when no changes have been made
– Additional options have been added to the Windows 10 Advanced Controller Menu. These include:
o Steering wheel sensitivity
o Invert Force Feedback
o Centre spring scale
o Damping scale
– Fixed a problem where pre-order cars and the Halo Warthog were not appearing in the Windows 10 version of the game for some players

Wheel Improvements
– Logitech G27 is now registered correctly on Windows 10, so the correct default mapping will be applied
– All wheels with enough buttons have had the horn added to their default mappings on Windows 10
– Fix to dead zones for acceleration and braking axes on wheels
– Default mappings for all TX Racing Wheel variants
– Fixed a bug where custom input mappings would not save successfully

General Improvements
– The Social and Rivals tabs will now unlock for players with Xbox Live Silver accounts
– Fixed a bug where the racing line would sometimes disappear
– Controller hot swapping is now available. Players can switch between controllers/their keyboard whenever they choose (including the wheel)
– Various content fixes for cars

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