Homefront: The Revolution , rilasciato il changelog della patch 1.4

Homefront: The Revolution , rilasciato il changelog della patch 1.4
Homefront: The Revolution , rilasciato il changelog della patch 1.4

Dambuster Studios ha rilasciato il changelog della patch 1.4 di Homefront: The Revolution.

Questa nuova patch va a risolvere i frequenti crash che il gioco prima aveva, e fra le altre cose ottimizza anche il numero di checkpoint presenti.

Comunque se vorreste sapere tutte le migliorie di questa nuova patch vi lascio il changelog:

  • Save Stalls– We have optimized the number of checkpoint save locations throughout the single player campaign. This means that the short ‘pauses’ that the player encounters are reduced and the game will now inform you that it is saving.
    There will also be further optimizations in an upcoming patch.
  • Missing Map Icons – Players who were missing icons after updating to the v1.03 patch should now see their progress restored. You should now be able to continue your game, however there may be some slight inconsistencies with the hearts & minds stats.
  • Crash Fixes – We have fixed many crash related issues across all platforms
  • Multicore CPU’s – PC players should now see better performance from their CPU. We fixed an issue that meant multicore CPU’s were not being fully utilized.
  • HDR Rendering – Implemented HDR rendering optimizations for Nvidia hardware.

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